Monday, April 21, 2014


This final project is still a work in progress. I originally experimented with power copies within an assembly but quickly realized that method was unsuccessful. Solids had difficulty acting coincident in an assembly when power copied.

The next approach will utilize a subtractive strategy. The final result will be a parametric chair with mutliple and customized components.

Not This.

But This.

Monday, April 7, 2014


This we added another UDF protocol and CATIA script to A.009 to add another level of intricacy. Panels were created from two extracted curves. These two curves acted as a frame work 

We used these two curves to create 4 points and a fill surface. We then add 4 new parameters which were made into a user feature creation and instantiated from the new UDF to the original roof file. 

let p1(roofudfsurf)
let i (integer)
let j (integer)
let cn (integer) /*number of curves*/
let sn (Integer) /* number of surfaces*/

cn = curvenumber 
sn = surfnumber 

i = 1

for i while i <= cn-1
 for j while j<=sn
  p1=CreateOrModifyTemplate("roofdesign|roofudfsurf", SURF   ,`Relations\Knowledge Pattern.3\roofudfsurf` , (i-1)*sn+j) /*generates the panels*/
  p1.CRV9= `Relations\Knowledge Pattern.1\roofudfcurve`    ->GetItem(i)  /*use curve list from previous knowledge template*/
  p1.CRV10= `Relations\Knowledge Pattern.1\roofudfcurve`    ->GetItem(i+1) /*uses same list but the next curve with the plus 1 funtion*/
  p1.surfposition = j-1
  p1.surfnumber  = sn
  p1.Name= "panel." + ToString((i-1)*sn+j)
  p1.Color =   ToString(round(j*(255/sn)))+","+ToString(round(i*(255/cn)))+",255"
A new script (above) was used and the final result is posted below.