Friday, May 2, 2014

War In The Age

Unfortunately somewhere along the line I became mixed up in which reading was when however War In The Age showed up as a new reading and I had yet to digest it so I thought now would be an appropriate time to tackle it. 

War In The Age shows an interesting "robot historian" perspective with regards to modern AI and military applications. Though the prospect is interesting I believe this one sided view is a bit short towards a more a down to earth (architectural) problem involving both AI and robots; the 'use the robot because it's a robot' syndrome. 

Both algorithmic and robot fabrication technologies have broad applique, however I find more and more projects being tuned for the robot rather than by the robot. I understand this has little to do with military applications since the military has great motivation to utilize the full potential of robotic tools, my question is whether architecture holds this same potential.

Either way the notion of utilizing robots for the sake that they are a robot troubles me, it seems like an added complication towards a process which is already very complex. This, however, is only an outsiders perspective and as I learn more about generative processes perhaps my ideology will evolve.  

Thursday, May 1, 2014


The chair has evolved. I have switched, again, instead of utilizing the power of assemblies I've decided to assemble my chair with power copies. The most difficult part of this project was establishing/engineering a framework which would control the rest of the chair. Some of the goals I had hope to achieve by undertaking this approach were: 

(i) grasp further understanding of frameworks and their potential as structural devices.
(ii) use power copies more abundantly and have them respond to framework changes
(iii) create a dynamic structure (a chair) which had multiple parametric components.

 The frame work (which determines the chair width).

 Joint lines which will determine point location for the chair slats. 

 Chair sides, both very dynamic/autonomous. 

 Chair frame parameters.

 Chair frame surfaced.

 First seat slat. 

 Slat powercopied.

More power copies and a change in the left frame.

Changes in width and with the frame.

One of the difficulties I found were powercopies behaving strangely. The slats operate off 4 points. Three of the points determine the plane/angle for the slat and the fourth point determines (or should determine) the top point of the slat. Unfortunately the slats top point would remain static even it's 'control' point moved (this occurs specifically when the chair sides changed angle). Ultimately I feel this is problem was due to how I structured the power copies and if tweaked/ re-instantiated could perform correctly. 

Monday, April 21, 2014


This final project is still a work in progress. I originally experimented with power copies within an assembly but quickly realized that method was unsuccessful. Solids had difficulty acting coincident in an assembly when power copied.

The next approach will utilize a subtractive strategy. The final result will be a parametric chair with mutliple and customized components.

Not This.

But This.

Monday, April 7, 2014


This we added another UDF protocol and CATIA script to A.009 to add another level of intricacy. Panels were created from two extracted curves. These two curves acted as a frame work 

We used these two curves to create 4 points and a fill surface. We then add 4 new parameters which were made into a user feature creation and instantiated from the new UDF to the original roof file. 

let p1(roofudfsurf)
let i (integer)
let j (integer)
let cn (integer) /*number of curves*/
let sn (Integer) /* number of surfaces*/

cn = curvenumber 
sn = surfnumber 

i = 1

for i while i <= cn-1
 for j while j<=sn
  p1=CreateOrModifyTemplate("roofdesign|roofudfsurf", SURF   ,`Relations\Knowledge Pattern.3\roofudfsurf` , (i-1)*sn+j) /*generates the panels*/
  p1.CRV9= `Relations\Knowledge Pattern.1\roofudfcurve`    ->GetItem(i)  /*use curve list from previous knowledge template*/
  p1.CRV10= `Relations\Knowledge Pattern.1\roofudfcurve`    ->GetItem(i+1) /*uses same list but the next curve with the plus 1 funtion*/
  p1.surfposition = j-1
  p1.surfnumber  = sn
  p1.Name= "panel." + ToString((i-1)*sn+j)
  p1.Color =   ToString(round(j*(255/sn)))+","+ToString(round(i*(255/cn)))+",255"
A new script (above) was used and the final result is posted below.

Monday, March 31, 2014


This week we used CATIA script and UDF protocols to create a very interesting array of curves along a surface. 

To recap there were 3 main parts to this file. (i) create a design file with a surface derived from a shape and two points. (ii) create a udf file which utilized parameters and projected curves to a dead geometry (our surface from the first design file copy-special into the udf file). (iii) create a user-defined feature/definition, this is where scripting became involved (below is the actual code). 

let d1(roofudfcurve)
let i (integer)


for i while i <= curvenumber 
 d1 = CreateOrModifyTemplate("roofdesign|roofudfcurve",CURVES ,`Relations\Knowledge Pattern.1\roofudfcurve`  ,i) 
 d1.Surface = CONTEXT\Fill.1 
 d1.Line2  =  CONTEXT\Line.2 
 d1.Line1 =  CONTEXT\Line.1 
 d1.curvenumber   = curvenumber  - 1
 d1.curveposition   = i - 1
 d1.Name = "CRV" + ToString(i)

We then applied this definition to the first design file and were apply to generate the various curves along the surface parameterically. 

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Burry Models Prototypes & Archetypes

This weeks reading reminded me of a concept which I have been turning over and over in my head. How innovation, work, technology, economy, and architecture are ultimately beneficial to man kind. Ultimately I and for technological advancement and innovation since it provides choices, options, and solutions, that said to what end does innovation lead, how is the techno-3D-printing-avant-garde going to ultimately affect man kind and is it necessary. 

It is not necessary but it is our nature. Since the creation of early tools man has reconfigured resources and materials to enact his will. This instinct was not only as a means of survival but as a means to set human kind apart. We are separate from the countless other creatures on this planet because we have subdued the desire to advance, to innovate. 

Man's thirst for curiosity has of course established many different modes of outlet and many different inventions, but it has also formed a order and ideology which goes unquestioned. Work and "bigger, better, stronger" is in fact 'good'. This may seem like a harmless en-devour but when you consider the necessity of constant advancement and the resulting infrastructure and market systems there are heavy social, political, and ideological questions which because assumed with this single mentality. 

This conventional wisdom, and assumed identity aside history (such as that shown through Burry's recap of Gaudi) technological advancement will occur. Aside from man's inheriant nature, advancement provides a social order and service which prevents chaos. Man's nature is that of selfishness (this is countless been proven: man operates through incentives) work and innovation structure a productive outlet for what would otherwise be chaos. 

3D printing will undoubtedly result in a new techo revolution, one which has uncertain and unforeseen consequences, but a positive aspect and another trait which validates innovation is the solution to problems both old and new. Since mans inception problem-solution has been a primary struggle. Through our enduring advancement many many solutions have been implemented but there are still ageless problems which still lack resolution. 3D printing can assist in this area and can also assist in areas where newer 'problems' have risen. 

Ultimately digital fabrication and it's attachment to markets, ideologies, and social order is an interesting concept, but I am more interested in taking action and utilizes the technology to advance areas of study related to architecture and other creative fields.


Last week I utilized grasshopper as a generative design tool in place of Catia. This week I implemented Catia's 'powercopies'. Powercopies are powerful and more flexible then I first expected; also they provide a different visualization of constraints. Unlike grasshopper Catia shows the constraints in a very organized and clear method. This allows super precise surgical changes which can trickle through the design.

This assignment shows folded out shapes which can be used as a template for fabrication purposes. 

The first step was to create a framework, ie. one sketch with multiple constraints where separate parts can be plugged in.

This particular framework use two points to allow itself to stretch and change.

One a framework was established a grid of 9 points was created and offset from the original framework (this is where the fabrication cut outs will be shown).

The next step was rather brilliant, it establishes a z-axis for another point which is the foundation for the physical geometry. This sketch was created in a new geometric set. 

The framework outside of the sketch.

The next level of framework, is for the surface geometry.

The geometry created.

The geometry is join, then 'unfolded', and then referenced to the secondary (offset) grid.

Powercopies used to form an assembly.

The entire assemblies height modified by the changing the z-axis.

The entire assemblies shaped modified by changing the base framework sketch.

The change updated and the following assembly geometry.