Monday, March 31, 2014


This week we used CATIA script and UDF protocols to create a very interesting array of curves along a surface. 

To recap there were 3 main parts to this file. (i) create a design file with a surface derived from a shape and two points. (ii) create a udf file which utilized parameters and projected curves to a dead geometry (our surface from the first design file copy-special into the udf file). (iii) create a user-defined feature/definition, this is where scripting became involved (below is the actual code). 

let d1(roofudfcurve)
let i (integer)


for i while i <= curvenumber 
 d1 = CreateOrModifyTemplate("roofdesign|roofudfcurve",CURVES ,`Relations\Knowledge Pattern.1\roofudfcurve`  ,i) 
 d1.Surface = CONTEXT\Fill.1 
 d1.Line2  =  CONTEXT\Line.2 
 d1.Line1 =  CONTEXT\Line.1 
 d1.curvenumber   = curvenumber  - 1
 d1.curveposition   = i - 1
 d1.Name = "CRV" + ToString(i)

We then applied this definition to the first design file and were apply to generate the various curves along the surface parameterically. 

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