Sunday, March 9, 2014


Assignment 5 takes the notion of a framework and explores other possible examples/methods for their creation.

Above is one method. Hexagons are utilized and two primary relationships are established; (i) the length of hexagon's side segments and (ii) the angle between the center of the hexagon and a fixed line parallel to the horizon. 

Hexagon's with the same set of rules but changed values are placed on planes offset from the first hexagon.

A spline is then added connecting the corners of the hexagons.

A multi-face surface is created.

The edges of the surface are extracted.

Points are added along the extracted segments.

This framework is a top down approach but it is flexible in it's breadth/number of variables.

Another framework example utilizes the creation of an abstract curve. This curve is then rotated around an axis to form a parametric solid. The constraints which control the shape of solid consist of (i) the axis which is tied to the points location in adjacency to the original sketch, (ii) the initial spline derived from the first two sketches, and (iii) angle which the spline is rotated around the axis.

The creation of a complex spline by combining two curves via an XY sketch and an YZ sketch.

The application of points to this new spline.

The establishment of a point which will be the basis for the axis

The array of splines around the establish axis

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